

VeraSol certifies pico-solar products and solar home system kits to internationally-recognized standards for product quality, durability, and truth-in-advertising.

Trusted, Independent Quality Assurance Services

Distributors, development institutions, and investors around the world use VeraSol to identify and confirm the quality of pico-solar products and solar home systems.

Certify Your Product

Initiating the certification process is easy. Simply fill out a short form and a member of our team will be in contact with you shortly.


Certification Process

Other Testing Processes

Initial Screening Method (ISM)

Optional and abbreviated test method that can offer key feedback to product designers, manufacturers, and brand owners and indicate whether the product is likely to meet the Quality Standards.

Accelerated Verification Method (AVM)

Optional and faster alternative to Quality Test Method (QTM) testing. Companies must meet certain eligibility criteria.

Renewal Testing

Used to maintain a product’s certification status. To be performed within two years after meeting the Quality Standards. Learn more about the process or read the full Policy for Renewing Test Results.

Market Check Method (MCM)

Performed on certified products at VeraSol’s discretion. Samples are collected from the marketplace. This process ensures that the quality of products sold in the market matches what was measured at initial quality certification testing. Initial MCM testing is paid for by VeraSol. If product fails initial MCM, companies can submit the product for retesting at their own expense within a reasonable time frame. See Market Check Testing Policy. 

Pay-as-you-go Energy Systems (PAYG)

PAYG-enabled systems should meet the same requirements as standard systems. To understand how certain requirements in the Quality Standards apply to PAYG systems, please read our policy on Quality Assurance for Pay-as-you-go (PAYG) Energy Systems. See PAYG Policy. 

Pay-as-you-go Market Check Test (PAYG – MCT) Method

The PAYG – MCT method is used to confirm basic PAYG functionality of solar energy kits sold in the market if concerns arise regarding the function of a product’s PAYG system. The procedure tests features specific to the PAYG system that are only functional in the intended location of use, and could not be tested during a typical Market Check Test. See PAYG Market Check Test Policy.


VeraSol offers high-quality certification services at a competitive rate to providers of pico-solar products and solar energy kits.

See Prices

Policies and Resources

VeraSol maintains a set of policies that govern how the certification process is implemented. These describe what is expected of companies submitting products for certification and what they can expect from the VeraSol team. The policies cover the entire process ranging from sampling for testing to guidance on renewing a product’s certification status.

Manufacturers new to the certification program are advised to read through our program rules and procedures, which outline the screening procedure used to assess a manufacturer’s eligibility for the certification program.

Access Our Program Policies

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