Product Expiration and Renewal
Product Expiration and Renewal
VeraSol certification is valid for two years. Work with the VeraSol team to initiate Renewal testing and maintain your product’s certification. To start the process, download and fill in the Product and Family Variation Details Form. View detailed instructions on how to complete the form here.
A product’s expiration date on the VeraSol Product Database indicates when its VeraSol certification will expire. To maintain the certified product status, companies can choose to renew certification.
We recommend starting the renewal process at least four months before the expiration date, so that your product’s certification status remains uninterrupted. VeraSol will send a reminder ahead of the product’s expiration date, but it is up to the company to begin initial steps and initiate the renewal process. Please review the full Policy for Renewing Test Results prior to initiating renewal.
The process is similar but not identical to the full QTM testing process for newly tested products. The main differences are outlined below:
Complete paperwork
- For ALL renewing products: Fill in the Product Variation Form (download above) to inform the VeraSol team about changes the product has undergone since it was last tested, including if components are sourced from different manufacturers.
- For renewing product families: Complete the Family tab of the Product Variation Form to confirm the kits and components that will be included in the product family.
- For Pay-As-You-Go (PAYG)-enabled products: Complete and submit the online PAYG Declaration Form to let us know how the PAYG system works.
- Prices for renewal services can be found on VeraSol’s current pricing table.
- The random sampling and shipping process remains the same.
- If the product has not changed since receiving certification, it may require fewer samples for renewal testing. The VeraSol team will confirm the number of random samples that will be required when the test plan is drafted. Read further details in the Policy for Renewing Test Results.
Reach out to with your completed paperwork to start the process of developing a test plan.
The testing, test report review, and results sharing processes remain the same. If the product continues to meet the Quality Standards, its listing on the VeraSol Product Database will be updated with any revised product specifications or test results. The expiration date will be extended.