
Revamping Definitions of “Manufacturers” in VeraSol Documents

VeraSol is updating our definitions for "manufacturer", "company", and "brand"

Published Date


As entities seeking VeraSol certification become more sophisticated and business models evolve, VeraSol sees diverse names used to represent companies and products. To standardize language across VeraSol documentation, we are updating our definitions for “manufacturer”, “company”, and “brand”. These changes will ensure that businesses and their products are consistently presented and traceable across test reports, certification documents, and the VeraSol Product Database, making it easier for companies to communicate their branding to the public and avoid confusion when navigating the Pre-Export Verification of Conformity (PVoC) process.

The new VeraSol definitions are as follows:

  • Company – The entity that submits the product for testing and certification. This may be a product manufacturer, distributor, reseller, or an entity co-branding another product under their own brand name. This will now be listed on all VeraSol documentation.
  • Brand – The consumer-facing name of a product line or company, as listed on materials such as product packaging, user manuals, or product specification sheets. This may be similar to or different from the company name and will now be listed on all VeraSol documentation.
  • Manufacturer – The entity that produces finished goods from raw materials. This will no longer be the primary identification label on VeraSol documentation, replaced by “company” and “brand”.

These changes will be included in the new editions of the test methods and quality standards (IEC 62257-9-5 and IEC 62257-9-8), currently under revision. They will be reflected in our certification documents: test reports, Standard Specifications Sheets, Specifications Books, and Verification Certificates. These documents will now include both the company name and the brand name, and the manufacturer name will be removed from all documentation.

Products will now be listed on the VeraSol Product Database primarily under their brand name, with the company name also included in the product listing. The manufacturer’s name will not be included in the Database. For products with the same consumer-facing brand name and company name, the company name will be used as the brand name. Please note that VeraSol will not accept brand names that do not appear on the consumer-facing materials of the product.