
Stakeholder Feedback on the Proposal to Submit the Quality Standards to the IEC

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We thank everyone who provided feedback on our proposal to submit the Lighting Global Quality Standards for pico-solar products for adoption by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). In June, we shared a document describing both the advantages and disadvantages of submitting the Quality Standards to the IEC and requested feedback from our broad stakeholder base (see Annex A for additional background information on the Quality Standards and proposal). We received comments from 37 individuals representing 26 organizations with a wide variety of connections to the off-grid sector (Figure 1). This document describes the feedback and the next steps we plan to take.

This document was produced by Lighting Global Quality Assurance. In February 2020, Lighting Global Quality Assurance evolved to become VeraSol, an independent program offering quality assurance services for solar energy kits and off-grid appliances.