
Off- and Weak-Grid Solar Appliance Market: Uganda

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Uganda’s electrification rate is growing rapidly, but 59% of people still do not have access to electricity. This large off- and weak-grid population, a sharp increase in mobile money operations and the established markets for component-based solar energy systems all provide a strong foundation for appliance sales in Uganda.

While the solar market in Uganda is growing fast, ownership of appliances such as TVs and refrigerators remain extremely low. There is also insufficient data about off-grid appropriate appliances that can help manufacturers, policymakers, distributors, mini-grid operators, investors, and other market actors to make informed decisions and identify high quality, efficient products sold in their region.

To help address this challenge, Efficiency for Access has worked to gather data on the availability of off-grid appropriate appliances in key countries, including Uganda. Uganda’s Off- and Weak-Grid Appliance Market Country Profile analyses four types of off-grid appliances surveyed in 2018 and 2020—TVs, fans, refrigerators, and SWPs.

The profile explores the overall market landscape in Uganda, the common power type, size, price and warranty of off-grid appliances sold in retail markets, and other findings. The market insights can help inform sector stakeholders, such as development programmes, distributors, manufacturers, mini-grid developers, policymakers, and others, on the state of the market. In addition, we hope that the publication can help its readers identify opportunities to encourage higher market penetration for high-quality off- and weak-grid appropriate appliances.