
Off- and Weak-Grid Solar Appliance Market: Sierra Leone

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Without sufficient data about the quality and performance of off- and weak-grid appropriate appliances, market actors are hindered from making informed purchases, investments, and policy decisions, which impacts the consumers as it becomes difficult to deliver high-performing solutions.

Since 2018, Efficiency for Access has been conducting market scoping surveys in 10 countries- India, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Nigeria, Cote D’Ivoire, Ethiopia, Kenya, Myanmar, Tanzania, and Pakistan. These surveys provide illuminating insights into the local intricacies of the solar markets in each of the countries profiled and inform on how various technologies have penetrated.

The Off- and Weak Grid Appliance Market Country Profile for Sierra Leone summarises data collected from local retail shops, testing results of products sampled from the market in Sierra Leone, and interviews with a range of stakeholders, including members of government, renewable energy businesses, donors, non-governmental organisations and large electrical shops.